Thursday, September 8, 2016

Spotlight: Fornakopia by B.J. Denver


A Vulnerable Woman...
Annaliza Wentworth is a rich widow who lives a passionless life. She spends her time daydreaming about having a steamy, sensual relationship, something that she always wanted. Browsing the Internet, Annaliza finds a website for online dating and sex therapy. Labeled the Ice Princess by her late husband, Annaliza takes a chance and subscribes to it.

Wicked Pleasures and Choices...
The mysterious and sexy Dr. Lance Le Blanc, psychiatrist, sex therapist, and owner of the site, tantalizes Annaliza with his promises of sexual fulfillment. Elroy McKinny, a brazen young attorney her daughter's age, shows her the dark side of sexual fantasies; while Jim Ryan, the mysterious outsider, wants her for himself.

Cosmic Bliss or the Devil's Lair...
The betrayal of close friends, her livelihood threatened and her husband's secret past life, pushes Annaliza deeper into a world of sex, lies and unsavory alliances. The emerging unrest in her life forces Annaliza to come to grips with reality.
This book is for matured audiences only.

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